Friday, November 11, 2011

Vendor Spotlight 15

Alright... who here would like to be just a little (or a lot) skinnier without having to put a whole lot of work into? Duh, right??

Let me introduce you to a little thing called It Works... they have amazing body wraps that literally shrink your body by getting out your toxins, etc. Now, I know, I know this sounds pretty much too good to be true, right?

Well.... I have tried these, and let me assure you... IT REALLY DOES WORK.

They are awesome. Now obviously if you're sitting around not watching what you eat and not exercising at all, this inches will eventually come back (after a couple of months). But, if you are doing those things, the results are long lasting. It's like an extra boost to all the hard work you've been doing.

Combined with my exercise routine, the inches I've lost with the wraps hasn't come back. These things are awesome. And... they do WONDERS for toning up that flabby, ugly after baby belly. Trust me, I had it ... I KNOW.

You can wrap your arms, legs, face, neck, stomach....whatever.

The facial one really does give you results similar to a face lift.

So... come by and get wrapped on the spot. You can also buy more to do on yourself at home. You will see some results in as little as 45 min, but you won't see the full results until 3 to 4 days (during that time you MUST drink the recommended amount of water each day to thoroughly flush the toxins out of your system... this is key to it working).

The wraps are normally $30 each, but will be offered for a special price of $25. Come check it out...

And what better gift could you give for Christmas than the gift of skinniness? (I do however recommend you know your audience on this one.. don't want to give a wrap to someone who isn't in the "know" of their need for one =))

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